Volume 4 Issue 1
Casting basics remembered: Pursuing accuracy | Wildlife in Zimbabwe: Privilege of a few or a National asset? | Why are cows not |endangered?: A Radical approach to Conservation Learn South African English: It is past time African adventurers of yesteryear: The Maneating lions of Tsavo | Africa – the good news: The good news from Africa Make a Plan: In the dark? | True North: The evil behind all evil

Volume 4 Issue 2
Going to XTremes: How far will you go to stay alive? | Want to hunt elephant in the Kruger Park? – The ongoing culling debate | B’aka net hunting and other fast disappearing practices African adventurers of yesteryear: The Man-eating lions of Tsavo Chapter 2 |Africa – the good news: The good news from Africa | Make a Plan: The many uses of Condy’s Crystals | True North: Happily Ever After Has Been Stolen

Volume 4 Issue 3
What is a trophy? The true heart of the hunt
Not getting what you want? What your PH does not know African adventurers of yesteryear |The Maneating lions of Tsavo: Attack on the wagon Rookie Writers When things go right | Africa – the good news: The good news from Africa Make a Plan: The multifunctional binoculars True North: Seen a painting of a naked man?

Volume 4 Issue 4
The Razor’s Edge: The secret of a supersharp hunting knife | The global adventurer: Hunt, dive and fish the world – while keeping your wife happy | African bullet Report The new Barnes VorTX | African adventurers of yesteryear The Maneating lions of Tsavo Rookie Writers: When things go right Part 2 | Africa – the good news The good news from Africa | African Bush Cuisine: Crocodile with Mango and Basil Sauce Make a Plan Soldering or welding in emergencies | True North: Come home

Volume 4 Issue 5
What’s happened to the ethos? stuprant natura | As Good as it Gets More on monolythic bullets | All tied up Essential loops and hitches 1 | Book Reviews Game Animals of the World | African adventurers of yesteryear The Maneating lions of Tsavo: Troubles with the workmen | Africa – the good news The good news from Africa African Bush Cuisine Stuffed Francolin Breasts | Make a Plan Making primitive fire True North Born into an Epic

Volume 4 Issue 6
Sudan white water Peace brings adventure travel opportunities in South Sudan Gonarezhou | Under African Sky All tied up Essential loops and hitches 2 | African adventurers of yesteryear The Maneating lions of Tsavo | Africa – the good news The good news from Africa | African Bush Cuisine Kudo carpaccio Make a Plan Lifting a vehicle without a jack True North The Very Best Invitation